Getting in an Auto Accident With an Uninsured Driver
October 18, 2017

After an auto accident in Pennsylvania, drivers typically exchange insurance information, then seek coverage for their losses from the accident from their own or from one another’s insurance companies. If you are in an accident involving an uninsured driver, a driver who doesn’t have adequate insurance or a driver you cannot identify (such as in a hit and run accident), however, recovering from the other party’s insurance company may not be an option.
Here’s what you can do in this situation:
Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage
First, check your own insurance policy. In addition to coverage for personal injuries, you may also have coverage for uninsured/underinsured motorist (UI/UIA) accidents. This coverage is specifically designed for situations in which the other driver involved in an accident is uninsured, underinsured, or unknown. You may be able to use this coverage even if you were not driving your car at the time: for instance, if you were walking or riding a bicycle and were struck by a vehicle.
Work With an Attorney
If you know who the driver is but their coverage is nonexistent or insufficient, you may be able to seek additional compensation through a personal injury lawsuit. If you were injured by a ‘hit and run’ driver, your attorney can help you coordinate with local law enforcement during an investigation that may result in the information you need to pursue compensation and hold a negligent driver accountable for their actions. In both cases, your lawyer can take on many of the tasks required to win compensation, so you can focus on healing.
If you’ve been in an auto accident with an uninsured driver, a driver who did not carry adequate coverage to meet your needs, or a driver whom you cannot identify, don’t hesitate to contact an experienced Pittsburgh car accident attorney. At Goodrich & Geist, P.C., we can help you identify and pursue your legal options to maximize your chances of receiving the full and fair compensation you deserve. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation.
The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney/client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.