Truck Safety Alert

March 1, 2013

Truck Safety Alert

By Josh Geist of Goodrich & Geist, P.C. on Friday, March 1, 2013.

The number of fatal truck accidents and fatalities has begun to increase. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) 3,757 people died in collisions with trucks in 2011. This is an increase of 11.2 percent since 2009′s record low. There are financial incentives for truck drivers make the industry inherently unsafe. Truck drivers face increasing pressure to ignore safety measures, delay repairs and drive in a fatigued state. Incredibly, the insurance requirements for trucking companies are outdated. Depending on the type of material that a trucking company carries, they may only be required to carry $750,000 in liability insurance. At Goodrich and Geist, we have handled many trucking cases and have often found that the unsafe trucking company does not have adequate insurance limits. The following is a great article about the dangers that trucks pose to all of us on the road and what can be done to make our roads safer: